A strong entrepreneurial spirit...


COBB, PLLC began during the aftermath of the Great Recession of 2008. We began the business initially to help our entrepreneurial friends who were desperate for affordable solutions to their accounting and tax preparation needs. These friends particularly needed a business partner that understood how business works from an owner's perspective and recognize the depth of challenges they were going through.  Our individual and collective experience of operating several different businesses for the last 25 years, made the COBB, PLLC Partner Team a perfect partner to address their needs.

We transitioned to a fully licensed Certified Public Accounting Firm in 2015. Our history includes a great deal of experience with startup companies that we have actually began and grown and sold ourselves.  This experience has uniquely positioned us to help new and growing businesses with practical and necessary services such as bookkeeping, accounting, tax and payroll services, but also critical analysis and thinking to help our clients strategically with their business goals, and personal ownership goals.

Today we still make investments of our time in our clients where it is appropriate and mutually beneficial. We firmly believe that we will achieve our goals when our clients first achieve theirs.